

What are Shortcodes?

A shortcode is a small template you can embed in your posts to provide functionality markdown lacks. They are defined using Crinja templates in the shortcodes directory.


Markdown doesn't have support for the <figure> tag, so you can use the figure shortcode to embed a figure:

{{% figure
    caption="The real Nicolino"

The definition is just a template which can use the arguments you pass:

    <a href="{{}}"><img src="{{args.src}}"
Positional arguments (without names) are passed as args.0, args.1, etc.

Paired Shortcodes

Paired shortcodes have content between opening and closing tags. For example, there is raw which just passes whatever is inside as-is:

{{< raw >}}
This is called "inner"
{{< /raw >}}

In those shortcodes, you can access that content as inner. The template for raw is pretty simple:


Inline Shortcodes

A shortcode can be inline so it doesn't require a separate template file. For example:

{{< foo.inline "this will be in title case" >}}{{ args.0 | title}}{{< /foo.inline >}}

This Will Be In Title Case
Inline shortcodes can be handy for one-off cases when you need some templating logic but it's all self-contained.

Verbatim and Markdown Shortcodes

Shortcodes can start with {{% and end with %}} or start with {{< and end with >}}

The difference is that when the shortcode has "inner" content, those called with a % will be parsed as markdown before being passed to the template, while those called with a < will be passed to the template as-is (thus: verbatim).

Nested Shortcodes

Nicolino supports nesting shortcodes as long as the outer shortcode is not verbatim. For example, you can nest two tag shortcodes:

{{% tag div class="outer" %}}
{{< tag div class="inner" >}}
This is inside two divs
{{< /tag >}}
{{% /tag %}}

<div class="outer">

<div class="inner">

This is inside two divs



Included Shortcodes


Support for the <figure> tag. Example

{{% figure foo
    caption="The real Nicolino"


Used when you want to show content that looks like shortcodes or to avoid processing markdown in a piece of text. Example:

{{< raw >}}
This is **passed** as-is
{{< /raw >}}

This is **passed** as-is


Used to wrap markdown with any required tag. Example

{{% tag div class="pico-background-orange-350" %}}
This has an **orange** background.
{{% /tag %}}

This has an orange background.